Monday, May 29, 2023


Organizational management needs to have a big picture of what’s going on so that they can justify the capacity planning properly to ensure the business is in line with the corporate direction to achieve well-defined business goals with consistency.

In face of increasing pace of changes, fierce competitions, the enterprises today need to become more open and responsive, increasing agility and influencing societal progression. In reality, today companies very often get stuck at the daily busyness, with the consequent lack of focus on getting the most critical work done effectively.

 Senior Executives should say no to many of the initiatives, just choose a few where they will put most of the resources of the company on the most important things, make seamless alignment, set the right priority, select the right initiatives to implement step-wisely.

If you're building the "right" thing, the smart way to do it is to experiment quickly and cost-effectively: Business needs keep evolving, and what we need today may no longer be valid a short time later. Valuable increments must be shippable and shippable increments must be valuable. Stakeholders are supposed to tell the management what to build and then they are supposed to prioritize how to use resources efficiently and produce better business outcomes. The real outcome to aim for should be to ship a valuable solution. The only time you should set a goal to be shippable is if value is already inherently in the solution. If you find these through focus group activity and act on them, you can create differentiation for the business.

In today's business dynamic, building the right products or implementing new solutions requires companies to focus on digging deeper into processes/methodologies that can provide flexibility and protections to ensure that the products/services meet changing business requirements over the cycle of the investment. It’s important to spend more time on setting principles and managing the set of next practices for prioritizing, implementing, and continuous optimization.

In order to keep the teams and employees focused on the most important things, clarify sequence & consequence; enforce nonlinear logic, to produce great outcomes: Organization is dynamic to adapt to the ever-changing environment, the management must go out and talk with customers to understand their tastes, current and future needs. Every customer has a "wish list" - a list of things they would really like the organization to be doing for them, but at the present time, due to limited resources and time, they are not.

The organization requires changing the underlying management practices and values that drive performance and organization agility. Stakeholder involvement and engagement always makes the difficult paths of business management easier to tread. Business management is multidimensional; you have a clear destination, but you can pick the varying processes/ practices/tools to get there. Understanding the sequence-consequence cycle helps the business management solve problems effectively.

It combines restless dissatisfaction with the current state coupled with the excitement of leading individuals or teams to come up with better solutions:
The product/service will make all significant difference in business growth and customer satisfaction. Change, creativity, and problem-solving are all important perspectives on delighting customers, leading the business forward. It requires thinking beyond, outside the box, altering or changing the frame of reference to create previously unconsidered solutions.

Assess the maturity level of process management. Should this process even exist in the first place? Or is it an inability to imagine a different perspective that could be the big resistance to Customer Centricity taking a firmer hold? The overly rigid process is an outcome of using rigid process approaches which make things inflexible and inefficient. It’s important to enhance design thinking, process management, and continuously improve customer experience for running a true people-centric organization.

The blurring line of the organizational borders and the uncharted frontier of an organization provides both unprecedented opportunities and emergent risks that companies must deal with appropriately for adapting to the dynamic ecosystem smoothly. The business management needs to have a big picture of what’s going on so that they can justify the capacity planning properly to ensure the business is in line with the corporate direction to achieve the well-defined business goals with consistency.


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