Saturday, May 27, 2023


Nobody, no organization, no society is perfect, but we shouldn’t ignore those critical flaws that cause significant damages to humanity.

With increasing pace of changes and fierce competitions, many organizations today are running in between- the mix of old and new; different divisions within an organization evolve changes with different speed. There are flaws and constraints in an organization that seems to hold the business back from running a business at a premium speed.

 The top business management needs to be open minded enough to evolve change and cautious enough to identify flaw points, avoid pitfalls, and shape a vision reflecting the purpose of the company via continuous growth cycles of participation, adaptability, expansion, innovation, and optimization.

Flawed perception: Each person has their own set of understanding, characters, experiences to perceive the world, Perception is an interpretation based on your own conditioning, cognitions, leading you to make judgments. So perception is usually subjective, or flawed - it is not absolutely true, but it is what they believe to be true. There are all sorts of misperception symptoms such as silo mentality, stereotypical reasoning, unconscious bias, preconceived ideas about how things should happen. If you only know two colors - black and white; then perceptions are filtered into one of those two dimensions. You can only know what you know, but there are more dimensions which you don’t know. 

Flawed perception causes conflicts, frictions, mistrust, unnecessary pains, leading to numerous societal problems and slowing down the speed of organizational transformation. It’s crucial to apply critical thinking to validate common sense, criticize conventional wisdom, update the best practices, seek out fresh knowledge to address ignorance and assumptions, increase perception objectivity and judgmental intelligence.

Flawed communication: Communication connects the thoughts and words; lubricates business relationships and harness organizational transformation. Flawed communication enlarges gaps, increases conflicts, organizational stagnation, etc. Communication gaps are often caused by cognitive differences, internal politics, ambiguous processes, socio-cultural traits, or other management bottlenecks, etc. In fact, the “lost in translation” is the common pitfall of business management.

 Communication has different content, context, and style; communication is complicated because there are differences in goals and contexts, and these contexts can shift. Without the contextual understanding of people, process, technology, the blind spots are inevitable and cause miscommunication across functional or geographical borders. To fix flawed communication and harness business management, context intelligence is about understanding the whole meaning of functional dialects and business cultures via connection, discernment, penetration, and perception, etc, to harness communication and expedite business speed,

Flawed management and measurement:
Business management today is both art and science; involving a lot of planning, processes, risk management, and execution skills to deal with “VUCA '' business new normal. Due to the dynamic business environment, effective processes or systems yesterday might be redundant or utterly ineffective tomorrow, diminishing returns in short order. Too restrictive boundary setting will cause silos, ineffective business processes, and flawed management, which disengages employees, stifles changes, decreases customer satisfaction, decelerates business speed.

The peril of measurement management such as the wrong metrics selection, ineffective performance practices cause more management flaws or resource misalignment. The business management should do information based forecasts, leverage interdisciplinary knowledge to predict emerging events, prevent potential problems, define the right key performance indicators and measure them in the right way to improve organizational agility, effectiveness and efficiency.

Nobody, no organization, no society is perfect, but we shouldn’t ignore those critical flaws that cause significant damages to humanity. Organizational executives today need to have both business acumen and technological understanding to become influential leaders and skillful managers. They must be able to fix management flaws, fine-tune the underlying organizational structures, optimize organizational processes, break through the industrial constraints and limitations, manage flawless execution, and accelerate business performance in a structural way.


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