Wednesday, May 3, 2023


An innovator can shape great vision, generate fresh ideas, and unique insight all the time.

Global world is diversified, there are creative people in almost every profession and location. The most advanced societies are diverse mixtures of peoples that can spark creativity and unleash creative potential to make progress. 

Recognize great innovations and inspire creativity all the time. There are healthy psychologies that are important for being innovative, such as being imaginable, inquisitive, proactive, knowable, having strong desire to be creative and informative, and being at the right place at the right time.

Freshness of creativity can infuse passion, demonstrate unique strength: In the world of dynamic changes, we are all unique human beings with different characters, talents, perceptions, and personalities. The actual mental understanding and subsequent manifestations in action will be different for each individual. People need to keep their knowledge fresh, connect wider dots, and concentrate their energy on developing their innovative competency.

Individually, in order to tap your potential and create a unique image, investigate your passion, discover your talent. Collectively, build a compelling team with complementary mindsets and skill sets, diverse background, experience, to broaden vision, and deepen understanding of critical issues, build innovation strength and capacity. Not just put eyes on the competitors, but enforce creative intelligence and unlock collective potential continuously.

Innovation is infused with an inner cohesion and comes from a vision of uniqueness: Creativeness derives from one’s ability to let go of assumptions and stigmas we place on objects-things, people, ideas, functions, and has a vision of purpose besides what is already obvious. Being innovative is a sort of a disruptive mind to break down silos and convey different perspectives. Because real learning is always a rebellion, not just about “being knowledgeable,” but being able to expand the boundaries of knowledge, often at the edge of things. It’s the inner feeling and a persistent attitude about “we can do better than before.”

Innovation leads us to the understanding of wholeness, the issue of the brightness of innovation with the paradigm shift from process-awareness to people-centricity. The willingness to fail and try again in order to succeed one day. Innovation is essentially about problem-solving at various levels, and to solve a problem implies a wish to make something, or everything, better. That, in itself, seems to lead to understanding the wholeness.

Infuse innovativeness into every aspect of the organization and human society: In a world that has been transformed by information technologies, many old and powerful hierarchies became commoditized,” make a paradigm shift from industrial economy to knowledge economy to creative economy. Contemporary companies have blurred the functional borders, business, geographical or industrial territories, focusing on information fluidity, insight enrichment, innovation abundance, and influential reformation.

In fact, innovation is the only solution to overcome common challenges, solve existing or emerging complex problems in front of human society. Contextual understanding, interdisciplinary knowledge, efficient collaboration platforms and tools, structural management practices, etc, are all important factors in innovation management. Organizations today proactively look for opportunities to do revolutionary, disruptive breakthroughs or substantially incremental innovation. Highly innovative organizations depend more heavily on talented people, information power, technological expertise and market capacity to develop and commercialize innovation for building a real time innovative society.

An innovator can shape great vision, generate fresh ideas, and unique insight all the time. The art of innovation is to generate novel solutions, having the transcendence from darkness to brightness. The science of innovation is to manage innovation development or emotional cycles, and execute in a systematic manner that provides sustained competitive advantage. It’s important to apply an interdisciplinary approach to shape great ideas and manage innovation successfully. Collectively, innovation makes the world a better place full of creative energy.


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