Thursday, July 20, 2023


The best solutions aren’t- usually arrived at without- some disagreement to- clarify details. identify the best scenario.

he nature’s best sceneries enchant -

us to-

explore further about -

great planets, in the universe;

the best thoughts of -

our ancestors inspire us up to-

ponder deeper about -

our human beings;

the best people are -

the cornerstones of

the best team;

while the best team with -

complementary thoughts, strength,

can generate-

fresh ideas,

novel solutions,

to make a better world,


Whatever the activity,

there is the best practice of -

performing it;

the best people, place, time to do it;

the best way to-

end up where everybody else is,

is to -

follow the majority guidance on -

where to go,

at every turn;

the best solutions aren’t-

usually arrived at without-

some disagreement to-

clarify details.

identify the best scenario.

Everything is perspective,

everything is-

a judgment based upon-

the perspective,

influenced by-

your own mentality, experiences, beliefs;

the best way is to-

go inwards to -

see how your own actions contribute to-

overall problem,

as they are-

the best things to change, influentially.

It is very difficult to -

have the best person at-

every position,

but will argue-

that it is not impossible;

bringing the best together can be done,

has been done many times before.

still, even the best of the best has -

their limitations….


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