Thursday, July 27, 2023


Profundity is important to connect the mind, unify the difference, demonstrate better perception and empathy to be a great leader.

Information is permeating into every corner of the organization, and emerging technology makes a profound impact on organizational design and reinvention. Being profound means objective perception, empathetic communication, emotional excellence. 

In order to make sound judgment, really dig beneath the superficial layer, leverage quality information, weigh multiple options appropriately, fine-tune coherent processes, make scientific evaluation and comparison structurally.

In order to develop profound insight, you should connect interdisciplinary dots, and co-create new knowledge: Learning knowledge is just the first step. Being profound means that people learn to open their mind to embrace other people’s viewpoints, examine their own perception, become more objective, make sound judgment, share fresh insight.

Business professionals should constantly sharpen their skill, build integral capability, unleash potential, increase learning agility to reach the next level of professional maturity. In the organizational setting, practicing an in-depth management approach means putting profound knowledge, processes, and tools actually used in actions and producing great outcomes coherently.

If companies are satisfied with where they are and going, then they should pay attention to the profound understanding about business context: Understanding problems profoundly means seeing the context you are part of, identifying the leverage points and then choosing the decisive factors. Looking deeply into the future based on predictive analytics can grasp opportunities to design new business models that have a profound effect on developing business innovation competency.

Being profound is about applying nonlinear logical reasoning to gain an in-depth understanding of a specific cause and effect in a specific context, taking acute awareness of present contextual variables, seeking fresh knowledge and unique insight, discovering the root cause of a problem, or the core issues of a situation which leads to resolution smoothly.

Being profound professionals means being a good communicator with better perceptions and empathy: If you only listen to the one side of the story without pondering the other side, you are not profound; if you only read the content without contextual understanding, you are not profound; if you only capture the symptom, but not dig through the root cause, you are not profound; if you only focus on “how,” not ponder “why,” you are not profound; if you blindly follow common sense or conventional wisdom only, you are not profound. It’s about being wise upon thinking profoundly, knowing when to voice out, when to keep silent, etc.

Being profound is about balance, upon striking the right balance without any sort of extreme thinking or unconscious bias; being confident and humble, being passionate and cool-headed. Knowledge is neutral and can be used for good and become beautiful, or it can be used to harm others and become ugly. The more you know, the more you know you don’t know and admit the unknown unknown. Profound thinkers are able to refine knowledge into fresh insight and guide themselves & others forward step-wisely.

Profundity is important to connect the mind, unify the difference, demonstrate better perception and empathy to be a great leader. If you are humble enough to be aware of and admit what you don't know and share what you know, you become more profound to understand issues comprehensively and deal with unprecedented complexity smoothly.


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