Tuesday, July 18, 2023


People need to be intentional about how they enter the role, focusing on understanding and respecting each other, culture, and history.

All things are interconnected and the business ecosystem becomes more interdependent and dynamic than ever. The permeating information has made every object of the system and nature responsive, communicative, and innovative. There are no shortcuts to getting to that state of business flow, it takes holistic understanding, flexible structure, and a real commitment to getting there. 

Understanding people and the organization through a holistic lens makes it possible to allow the organization exploring change and growth in all directions, and continue innovating to thrive.

It’s important for the organization to mitigate the impact of uncertainty or risk by enabling a team to encounter uncertainty and deal with them strategically: The digital workforce today is hyper-connected and divergent in many ways. Uncertainty, risk is inherent in every venture. Imagine the complexity that comes in due to complex rules and regulations, hyper-diversity, ambiguity, unpredictability, nonlinearity and increased flux, working and impacting together. The complexity can be good or bad for businesses depending on their strategy and capability. The impact of uncertainty or complexity can be, at least in part, addressed by research and knowledge, business management practices & disciplines.

Organizational leaders and professionals should share a natural affinity for new perspectives, innovations, and collective wisdom. To deal with “VUCA” reality, organizations arise when the scale of the interrelations or interactions surpasses the individual’s capacity to be able to do whatever it does with smaller scales. The approach to deal with uncertainty and unpredictability also includes planning in a short time and taking incremental effort, allowing new information along the way to deal with complex reality smoothly.

An invisible third force which holds past and future in balance, is NOW:
The past is a time beyond reach; the future is the time being created. The present is when you have the time to think about them all, do something right away. If you have an accurate, clear memory of the past and acute, intense imagination for the future, then the past and future can be as real as each other. To those with less developed, or consciously suppressed faculties, only the present is real. That's the cognitive view. Ideally, it’s always important to gain “lessons learned” from the past, envision the future, and do the best to bridge the past and the future seamlessly.

The past and future are held in balance by “now.” The further away the future impact, the harder it is for those living in today to see any reason to care. Either individually or collectively, we are learning from the past, and developing towards a new future. If we no longer refer to the past, then we are likely to repeat mistakes of the past. If we consider mistakes in the past as being in a different time or context, then we are not certain to obtain the same outcomes. It is the synthetic view of ‘looking forward,” and “looking behind," "looking beyond,” and “looking around,” which help business leaders and professionals to deal with tough situations and lead changes smoothly.

Break out of the static industry box, keep digital fit, treat customers, partners, suppliers, and ecosystem participants as active agents for co-solving crucial problems: Silo mentality, information bottlenecks stifle change and limit business potential. Fit and diversity are not mutually exclusive. Although different people have different backgrounds, different approaches, and different opinions, they could be a good fit from different perspectives. Organizational fit means more about value adding or behavioral norms, cross functional communication, heterogeneous team setting to spur innovation. The traditional large organizations can become more innovative if they can consciously break down the bureaucratic management style and proactively develop resource-rich innovation hubs and hyper-connected digital clusters across the enterprise ecosystem.

Companies operate within ecosystems to deliver value to their customers, however, for many, the ecosystems have evolved without much attention or planning. Collaboration happens in the space between people in relationships receptively and thoughtfully interacting with interest and caring for one another’s needs, co-develop great ideas or co-solve tough problems. To effectively respond to the new dynamics, organizations need to emphasize participation, relationships, communication, broaden their ecosystems and revenue streams while becoming more responsive and agiler, purposely plan the ecosystem, and realize that organizations need to renew themselves periodically.

The emerging digital era has many dimensions and demonstrates different characteristics. Business users and consumers are selective nowadays due to the unprecedented convenience brought by abundant information and digital technologies. People need to be intentional about how they enter the role, focusing on understanding and respecting each other, culture, and history. Forward-thinking organizations today need to constantly adapt to the ever-changing environment, make some necessary breakdowns, think about ways to transform the underlying business functions and structures to build coherent business competencies, and ensure the business as a whole is running with premium speed.


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