Thursday, July 13, 2023


A high-performance global corporate board should have cognitive differences and diversified worldviews to bridge gaps, make sound judgments, and improve leadership maturity.

Modern corporate boards play significant roles in guiding businesses in the right direction and achieve expected business results. Due to the “VUCA” characteristics -Complexity, Uncertainty, Ambiguity, and Velocity of the Digital Era, the directorship in any organization must have the agility to adapt to changes and build abilities to advise, inspire and motivate a group of people toward accomplishing shared visions and goals. Here are the multiple perspectives of shaping a global boardroom.

Initiatives of Global BoDs

Initiativesofglobalbods The organizational ecosystem environment is complex, dynamic and informative, corporate board directorship is about setting directions and inspiring changes. Forward-looking organizations across the vertical sectors are on the journey of digital transformation which involves a renewed understanding of the future of business, as well as how to update underlying business values, reinvent organizational structures, and recharge business energy.

Innovativeglobalbod The global working environment is diverse, dynamic, energetic, and innovative; it is a strategic imperative for today’s business leaders and professionals to broaden the view of global society, keep learning agile, and become more fluent in understanding the global context of problem-solving. A high-performance global corporate board should have cognitive differences and diversified worldviews to bridge gaps, make sound judgments, and improve leadership maturity.

Inquisitivebods Due to the complexity, uncertainty, ambiguity and volatility of the digital age, the directorship in any organization must have the ability to guide, inspire, and lead effectively. Validate, organize and control the proper strategy management by the executive power. Asking the right questions helps to engage stakeholders, validate how thoroughly the board is thinking about strategic issues, harness leadership effectiveness and enhance GRC discipline.

Innovativebods Fundamentally, leadership is about the future and direction - how to navigate their organization in the right direction under rapid changing business circumstances, to achieve high-performance results. Corporate board directors as top directorship roles are supposed to be the guiding force in the enterprise, help the top management sense growth opportunities, identify blind spots, clarify priorities, predict risks and avoid pitfalls on the way.

InitiateglobalBoDs The world has become hyper-connected and interdependent, there are many common management practices in building a multinational organization. However, there are still very few truly global companies or empathetic global leaders or boards. From the corporate governance perspective, What’s the digital theme to build and run a global board?

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