Thursday, July 20, 2023


Unique thoughts, emergent trends, and updated knowledge, etc, are all that captivate professionals with intellectual curiosity to ask insightful questions, make deep observations, spur creativity, and develop differential professional competency.

Whether we like it or not, humans are unique, people are different because we think and act differently, not just look differently. Thus, to understand each other, as well as surrounding, we all should broaden our points of interest and try new things to extend our thinking box. So please do not stop speaking out what you are thinking outside the box, also apply critical thinking to understand things differently, bring new perspectives to lead changes.


It’s crucial to ask different questions: In the digital era of information abundance and fast pace of changes, inquisitiveness is one of the characteristics of effective leaders and professionals. Creative people ask questions - usually questions no one else would think of. Often, raising the right questions is perhaps more important than providing some single-minded answers. The art of questioning is to spur creativity; the science of questioning is to frame structural answers.

When people have different 'learning' styles, they also have different inquisitive styles. Be inquisitive to ask open and thought-provoking questions.Inquisitiveness stimulates imagination; amplifies influence and accelerates improvement. Organizations need to allow time for a number of different activities or opportunities to suit different types of people, encourage independent thinking, and brainstorm fresh ideas. The good question brings multifaceted perspectives, connecting the dots to spark the imagination.

It’s important to constantly check assumptions: Assumption should be thought of as qualified projections based on reliable information or common sense, eliminating presumption or unconscious bias.” The good assumptions are based on multidimensional thinking and interdisciplinary knowledge-based perception and forecasting. To advance and be innovative, your mind must set free to create the new ideas that arise from identifying and challenging assumptions and then generating more possibilities to solve problems effectively.

Do not always follow the conventional wisdom or preconceived opinions, be an independent and critical thinker to check assumptions. Blind assumptions = unconscious biases. In highly innovative organizations, people are encouraged to challenge old assumptions, embrace different perspectives, update knowledge, and apply different ways to solve problems.

It’s good to listen to opposites, in order to shape a holistic understanding: The pace of change is increasing, the world becomes flattened, and information is abundant. As people have different cognitive skills and diverse personalities, there's a discrepancy between subjective perception and reality. The more complex the change, the more complex the solution, the more important to embrace diverse viewpoints, even if they are opposite, it makes sense to understand things holistically and make judgment objectively.

There are many things on the global change agenda nowadays. Diversity of thought and non-egalitarian review are important to catalyze change. The perception/ response to consequences vary from person to person, and that's what makes change interesting and challenging. So try to be positive and skeptical at the same time, embrace fresh knowledge, great ideas, but do not absorb everything. Communicate, communicate, and then communicate more to understand that not all of the associates will move through the change curve at the same speed.

Competitive uniqueness allows us to “think bigger,” see things differently. Unique thoughts, emergent trends, and updated knowledge, etc, are all that captivate professionals with intellectual curiosity to ask insightful questions, make deep observations, spur creativity, and develop differential professional competency.


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