The goal driven businesses keep improving effectiveness, efficiency, and agility. There are so many things organizations need to spin well simultaneously these days. They need to pay more attention in creating shared and admirable goals and then encourage the teams to compete and collaborate as they deem fit.
It's important to clarify strategic goals; as unclear goals or too many variables attached to it make things more confusing. A goal is a driving factor, an ambitious goal setting stretches up the team and boosts energy, realizing a vision for a better state.
It’s critical to clarify the “Goal first” statement: Due to unprecedented uncertainty, strategic thinkers set the goal first, then decide how best to reach it. Goal driven is from end to start. Goal driven processes can have the top-down/bottom-up approach based on the target goal planned. Information or knowledge is the means to the end, the goal is to lead change and achieve high performance results. The “goal first” statement enables people to become more purposeful and productive. Organizations are able to integrate people, process, technology into core competency; innovating to create something new or boldly solve something big requires that it proactively responds to the emergent situation, and ensure the business as a whole is superior to the sum of its parts.
It’s important to laser focus on clearly defined goals and objectives: If organizations have change inertia, or lack of focus, it’s no surprise they won’t achieve defined goals due to the emerging changing circumstance. There are good and bad changes depending on the outcome of the change process and the final benefit of people who are directly affected by that change. Business initiative that is in conflict with a new approved goal is an issue, and the processes associated with that initiative are therefore problematic. In the sense that execution of strategies invariably point to new goals that require strategies to be updated accordingly. It is true once you embark on a journey of goal achievement, involve every employee to have their set of professional goals and to participate in the development and execution of the goals, strategies and tactics.
It’s good to keep goal agile: Many organizations are struggling because they have no common understanding of ultimate goals across the board, regardless of methodology, due to their overall culture or mindset. Common understanding can be at many levels. Agility can be the philosophy and methodology to enhance an iterative goal setting-implementation continuum. They chose agile for some very specific reasons, it is a set of outcomes that may be achieved by an agile adoption. The “why” is the organizational impetus, the “what” is typically agile, and the outcomes are the things stated, or at least it seems that way from the framing of the question
If vision is the destination the organization needs to achieve; the goals are like the mountains you should climb over or the rivers you have to get across. The goals of business transformation lie with the customers, organization. If we start with the understanding of what we are trying to solve with changing our organization, understand the currency for change and learning then we are starting off on the right foot. The goal driven businesses keep improving effectiveness, efficiency, and agility.
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