Saturday, May 6, 2023


Isn't a tough journey to- celebrate #10,900 blog postings - to pursue- the digital way of brainstorming, innovating, motivating, story-telling?

As we live in a world where change is the norm, there is no other choice but to keep learning agile, broadening and deepening our understanding of the world constantly. Professional fitness is based on both how we think and what we are doing. We define most societies by shared patterns of beliefs, attitudes, and actions. 

It’s the time to celebrate # 10900 blog-posting. The blog is a dynamic book flowing with thoughts fluently; sharing fresh insight; conveying clear vision, and making progressive influence indefatigably.

Reinforcing an innovative paradigm shift smoothly: In face of “VUCA” reality, influence is the cognitive ability to understand; communication skill to inspire and persuade. You cannot make a true innovation paradigm shift without breaking some old rules, and reinforce innovation principles and practices. The fit mindset is about how to think forward, strategically, creatively, positively, and systematically. It is important to make the necessary reinforcement for steering ourselves, the organizations, or our societies in the right direction and stepping into the deep new normal steadfastly.

Organizational leaders and professionals should learn how to perceive issues through multidimensional angles such as the lenses of information technology, sociology, psychology, the economics of education, the anthropology of cultures, economics, philosophy, ecology, etc. They are able to make influences via envisioning, bridging, encouraging others toward their vision by communicating empathetically. Reinforce “lessons learned” and keep the organization in the innovative mode successfully.

Reinvent the future holistically: Organizations today are a huge melting pot of people with the very characteristics of hyper-diversity and interdependence. Organizations of the future are increasingly exhibiting varying characteristics in various shades, extensiveness, and intensity. How to unleash the abundance of human potential is perhaps one of the best rewarding arenas for reinventing the world thoughtfully. Making positive influence, advancing interdisciplinary management processes and practices become an integral effort of organizational or societal reinvention.

Reinventing the future to get digital ready is an evolutionary journey with ups and downs, promises and perils on the way. That requires passion, courage, much more time, energy, experimentation, retreat, and reflection, creating the synergy to strive in “VUCA” reality. Forward-looking view is more about thinking ahead, to determine what the future needs to look like, what the transformation must look like, how to overcome the roadblocks, and close the blind spots. It is essential for the entire organization to be pulling in the right direction by allocating resources, time, and assets scientifically; enforcing a “realigning-refining-refocusing - restructuring - redirecting - rebalancing” cycle iteratively.

Reimagine possibilities boldly: When looking at global society with innovative themes and creative people around the world, it’s critical to be inclusive, influential, with intellectual curiosity to reimagine possibilities and orchestrate innovation world-widely. The progress of the world needs to be pulled together and pushed forward by innovators across the globe, who can apply advanced thinking to understand the world deeply, keep learning agile, and take innovative approaches to solve problems facing global society collaboratively.

High influencers demonstrate the bold vision of what could be happening in the environment, how to create desired changes; and then have the unique competency to lead innovation breakthroughs, recognize innovators or change agents, and mobilize the necessary resources in the right way to move the organization towards a preferred alternative state. Innovators can bring fresh perspectives and think differently; break down conventional wisdom, reimagine possibilities, grasp emerging opportunities, and take an alternative way to do things, make radical change with accelerated speed.

The conditions of the economy, the state of the world, technology, and social trends all impact the overall mindsets, behaviors of all generations and shape the future of the global society. First and foremost, to be "authentic"; be comfortable to be different, dare to ask tough questions, and challenge conventional settings. Keep mindset fit with updated knowledge, skills, capabilities, and behaviors, ensure that your thoughts and voices are in synchronization by combined actions, endurance, and with the right spirit to make influence cohesively.


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