Friday, July 7, 2023


It's important to provide guidance for setting the right directions, instruct people on how to think or act; avoiding repetitive mistakes, improving professionalism and organizational performance.

Nowadays, businesses have to deal with the unprecedented level of uncertainty and change, there are some clearly defined guidelines, or even the "old school" rules people across the organizational hierarchy should follow to operate cohesively. To really add value, those guidelines need to be grounded in the context of the organization expressing them, and instruct people’s attitude and behavior in order to run a high-performance organization.

Inner compass as a professional guidance: Business professionals usually have their own set of guidelines for instructing their attitude and behavior based on their set of common beliefs, education, experiences. For their inner compass to work correctly, they should have the right balance of the depth and breadth of knowledge, listen to the inner voice, set professional guidance from within, like the inner compass that gives direction to create value and reach the destiny.

Professionals as people do something because they enjoy or want to, for the benefits it produces, the progress it achieves, and the satisfaction it gives them. So professional guidance becomes a differentiated professional instinct and leadership quality.

The role of enterprise architecture provides guidance during strategy management: Organizations leverage business architecture as a tool to set strategic guidance for leading large scale of change by opening up opportunities and providing anchors to explore from. It helps to clear the path, whether that be the elimination of obstacles, closing the blind spots. A comprehensive business architecture clearly defines a set of corporate principles, policies, and practices, which offer guidance for creating something new, and achieve a state of dynamic balance.

The right level of guidance and process from a business architecture perspective is important to enhance the processes of strategic problem diagnosis, provide guidance, so that the business as a whole can create value and unleash its full potential.

Organizations also clearly define corporate guidelines for people at all levels to get inspired to commit their best in organizational success: To improve performance and enhance compliance. Those corporate guidelines need to be grounded in the context of the organization expressing them, and instruct people’s attitude and behavior.

Those guidelines should be brief and recognizable, in the language understood by stakeholders. They are clearly understood, articulated, and commonly shared. They are the genetic code of any healthy organization for doing the right things, enforcing accountability, harnessing changes and improving performance.

Organizations and societies become more complex, problems become more complex in today’s changing dynamic. It's important to provide guidance for setting the right directions, instruct people on how to think or act; avoiding repetitive mistakes, improving professionalism and organizational performance.


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