Saturday, July 1, 2023


It is a strategic imperative for today’s leaders to embrace the broader view of global society, inspire innovation in diverse domains of expertise.

It is a continuously changing world, the pace of global paradigm shifts is quickening, aggregating to the large-scale of changes quicker than previously. An open business ecosystem has all its dependencies and interconnectivity; if we don't embrace it, accept it, roll with it, or make it happen, we're not able to run an advanced global society.

No organization can afford to stick to its old ways of doing things; so focus on inclusiveness and innovation on the global scope is imperative: Usually problems do not happen in isolation from each other in predictable ways, but intertwined across knowledge domains or geographical borders. Global professional competencies are interrelated with the global talent traits and experience. Global society has been pushed forward by innovators across the globe. Great globalists know how to facilitate dialogues and initiate global conversations that inspire creativity in diverse domains of expertise. They are inclusive and learning agile to handle global complexity thoroughly.

Innovative global problem-solvers consider and compare the advantages and disadvantages of all options: Many problems do not happen in isolation from each other in predictable ways, but intertwined across knowledge domains or geographical borders. Innovative global problem solvers can learn expanded world knowledge, deepen understanding of global issues, create thresholds of possibilities that can result and expand into great solutions. They are able to set the right priority, select the best option; avoid vagueness or indecisiveness; and solve problems with global impact significantly.

Being an effective global integrator needs high levels of cultural flexibility and low levels of ethnocentrism:
Global leadership is more about inspiration, unification, collaboration, healthy competition; and cross-culture-influence, with the goal to recognize the best of the best, advance global society. The challenge is to integrate and harmonize, not silo or divide. There is an integration of thinking, learning and doing continuum. Great global integrators have interdisciplinary expertise, cross culture knowledge fluency with broadened perspectives, and global responsibilities. It's a strategic imperative to shape global mindsets, identify professional traits, and set common criteria for cultivating the new breed of global leaders and professionals.

The global society means a hyperconnected business environment, cross-boundary communication and collaboration, and interdisciplinary management approach. It is a strategic imperative for today’s leaders to embrace the broader view of global society, inspire innovation in diverse domains of expertise, create an inclusive global organization with every dip in the business management cycle, articulate and embody the diverse values of the organization; respect colleagues and understand each other with empathy; to shift context for creating optimal value-delivery constantly.


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