Adopting a different paradigm is -like changing the glasses; it changes the color of -personal reality, new possibilities keep emerging…
We live in -
an advanced society,
change is -
increasing its speed,
knowledge is-
only a click away;
learn constantly;
filter the information comes-
our way,
build our own knowledge foundation in -
which we are able to-
unlock creativity,
develop professional competency,
All artistic, scientific,
philosophical knowledge is-
inspired by nature-
we are part of nature-
as intelligent human beings,
with insatiable curiosity;
survival instinct;
we all filter -
information differently,
based on-
unique perception, profession,
personal interest;
we see things differently,
enjoy the world of-
Brainstorming ideas gives -
depth and breadth of understanding,
allowing us to -
close blind spots,
bridge gaps,
eliminate unconscious bias,
move close to -
truth and wisdom,
Filter out -
the negative vibe,
keep professionalism shine.
Are we reaching-
the next level of-
global advancement?
The paradigms are -
just like filters,
with many dimensions;
adopting a different paradigm is -
like changing the glasses;
it changes the color of -
personal reality,
new possibilities keep emerging;
can we apply -
critical thinking to -
filter, prototype, validate ideas,
discover insights
shape fresh viewpoints,
come up with -
potential solutions,
the next level of-
global advancement?
The paradigms are -
just like filters,
with many dimensions;
adopting a different paradigm is -
like changing the glasses;
it changes the color of -
personal reality,
new possibilities keep emerging;
can we apply -
critical thinking to -
filter, prototype, validate ideas,
discover insights
shape fresh viewpoints,
come up with -
potential solutions,
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