Monday, May 8, 2023


Organizational management fluency does not mean you only master one language, but multiple; not just see things from a narrow lens, but through different angles; not only be skillful in one dimension, but interdisciplinarity.

Organizations become complex if things do interact, particularly in the case of "nonlinear" interactions, you can't separate things properly or you cannot predict the actual effect of interaction straightforwardly. There are all kinds of differences that exist between individuals and businesses.

Most traditional organizations in the industrial age practice Command & Control management discipline to get work done with not fast enough speed. To expedite changes, the organizations must step out of their comfort zone, try to improve, develop, or change things in a prioritized order to improve business fluency, enforce the hyper growth cycle, for achieving long term business advantage.

It’s important to seek fresh information and unique insight, gain fluency of understanding: Organizations today are diversified, it is a waste of resources to leave any invaluable human potential left unrecognized, untapped and unused. Business professionals should surround themselves with a diverse group of professionals that can think and act in a complementary manner. understand trust is a two-way street, and such trustworthiness will motivate the diversified team to keep open-minded and perform better. They can meet their own needs to select what is the best option for them.

Keep learning, seek fresh knowledge, and improve information fluency. Gaining the understanding of things is crucial to get business professionals wiser and mature. It is associated with phases and iterations or other important points and it could be related to formal progress tracking of how you interact with the environment, deepening understanding of people, businesses, and surroundings, practicing expert power fluently. It is important to clarify known from unknown, develop dynamic planning, set stretching goals, wrap around organizational hierarchy and relationship structures to ensure high responsiveness and accountability.

It’s great to be fluent with multiple business dialects, articulate without “lost in translation”: Either as specialized generalists or generalized specialists, business leaders and professionals should be able to convey clear messages about their work and responsibilities, if needed, be fluent in different business dialects, from general business language to technique terminology, use them and switch back and forth fluently with accurate interpretations.

Information based conversations are more persuasive. Encourage people to speak, actively listen to diverse viewpoints, engage in candid “give and take” communication, without swinging back and forth just for personal interest inconsistently . Only after extensive observation, can you gather adequate data and initiate information based dialogues. And only after studying each independent process by asking questions about each independent variable, and the samples you collect, you are able to solve relevant issues smoothly.

It comprises a combination of factors that work together, flow and fluctuate, in harmony, in order to reach the next level of fluency:
Even though people like to think they use objective information and explicit criteria in making judgments; in almost all cases, they find out later there were unrecognized issues, hidden criteria. The “space" between the functions/hierarchies are actually defined by trade-offs, which are often unrecognized, unexplored, un-articulated, and offer far more potential for improving change fluency of the entire organization.

Professional development usually depends on the individual's wish, innate talent as per the organization's standards. Business leaders and professionals need to spend significant time on thinking, learning, and building professional fluency to solve complex problems across-functionally. Today’s professionals should keep evolving to deal with unprecedented uncertainty, identify the leverage points, 'choose' the “decisive” factors, take acute awareness of present variables, decide effectively and solve problems smoothly. Organizations have to "walk the talk," avoid hidden traps, and build their own differentiated business competency to handle different goals in reaching the next level of organizational fluency.

Organizations need to embed digital into the very fabric of the business culture and explore emerging possibilities in a structural way. Organizational management fluency does not mean you only master one language, but multiple; not just see things from a narrow lens, but through different angles; not only be skillful in one dimension, but interdisciplinarity. They are fluent in managing information lifecycle, to create fresh insight for enlightening customers; to gain contextual intelligence for solving complex problems smoothly; and to be fluent in innovation management to catalyze business growth structurally.


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